Who is Shizuki Asato san I can hear a lot of you say? If you are a Takarazuka fan, then you will certainly know who she is. She’s a retired top star of the Takarazuka Review Company – an extremely good and talented top star, one of my favourites. I love her extraordinary voice and her sense of fun and enjoyment in her roles was always a joy.  

When I wrote my book, it was meant for the English speaker, people who had little knowledge of the country. I didn’t expect it to be a big seller in Japan if only for the fact that it is written in English. So you can imagine my surprise and delight that someone as influential and famous as Shizuki Asato san endorsed my book in such a public way.

Thank you Zunko chan (her nickname). Thank you very much indeed. You’ve made me very happy. Life is certainly more surprising than fiction.

Please check out her Facebook page if you are interested, she’s on You-Tube too. Well worth a look.